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Get a new sense of purpose.

Keynotes Talks

  • Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Change management
  • Performance productivity
  • Unleashing the authentic you

Key Takeaways

  • Be yourself all the time
  • Build organic leadership
  • Learn that you are powerful
  • Create an inclusive environment
  • Gain confidence to achieve goals

What do you gain?

  • Direction
  • Confidence
  • Self-awareness
  • Actionable steps
  • A challenge for yourself


  • Students
  • Managers
  • Executives
  • Assocations
  • Small-business owners

Keynote talks are 60-90 minutes.

Many of us, ashamed of our background, gender, or sexuality, pretend to be other people because we’re afraid of not fitting in. This affects our careers, relationships, and personal life. Companies lose millions of dollars every year due to unhappy employees in uncomfortable work environments.

However, employee engagement and retention increase when people can be comfortable in their own skin without fear. Khaliah speaks at organizations, corporations, and schools about having the courage to be comfortable in their own skin every day and everywhere without thinking twice.

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What They’re Saying

I have known Khaliah since I came to Houston in 2012. From the moment I met her I fell in love with her passion, energy and brilliance. We always have a great time together. She lights up the room when she walks in and brings creative ideas to everything she does. I am so enthralled with her that I have asked her to serve in one of the greatest roles I can offer an individual – to speak at our May 2018 MBA Commencement. If you want an audience to sleep walk through a session, don’t invite Khaliah to join you!

W. Kevin Barksdale Ph.D.University of Houston-Downtown - Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

Today, my colleagues and I were truly inspired by Khaliah's energy and words on how to be our true self. It was great to be reminded how I am already Dope! Thank you for such a great start to a new way of thinking and acting!

Madkin KellyCommunications Manager, Direct Energy

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    KeynoteConsultingWorkshopsI Don’t Know

    Khaliah Guillory


    Phone: 281-217-3155